Members adhere to the IOJ code of conduct as set out below:
The code of conduct is for all members the same. There is no difference in the code of conduct with respect to the expectations due to different titles of position or other circumstances of members. As a definition, all those who studied law, work(ed) in law, representing, seeking or dealing justice for the good of all are jurists.
Rule 1. Jurists’ mission
Jurists have the mission to protect human rights, civil rights, legal rights and interests of individuals, organizations and agencies, protect the independence of the judiciary, help to protect justice, equity, socio-economic development, and build a social just society.
Rule 2. Independence, honesty, respect for objective truth
Jurists must be independent, honest, respect objective truths, not for the sake of financial or spiritual interests or any other pressure to violate respective laws and professional ethics.
Rule 3. Preserving the honour and reputation of Jurists.
Jurists shall respect and protect the honor and reputation of junior staff as if they protect their own honor and reputation; build, consolidate, and maintain the trust of clients, the social community with jurists and legal profession.
Rule 4. Participation in the community
4.1. Laws are ever changing and Jurists take a responsiblity in guidance and care that laws are written with justice and the common good for all in mind.
4.2. Jurists shall render free legal assistance with conscientiousness, impartiality and professional responsibilities and the same fervour as if they are the cases with fees paid.
Rule 5. Jurists offer best protection of client’s legitimate rights and interests while communicating and working with other organizations and individuals. Where possible conflict should be avoided and all parties advised to review all solutions. In this jurissts shall have proper behaviour, must not prejudice the reputation and legitimate interests of their clients or other parties, whether verbally or by action.
Jurists have the obligation to be conscientious, promote their capacities, use professional knowledge, professional skills and legal measures to best protect the legitimate rights and interests of clients according to the prevailing regulations, laws and the principles of justice.
Rule 6. Respecting clients
Jurists who render legal services shall on the ground of legal requests of clients, respect the legitimate rights and interests, and choices of clients.
Rule 7. Confidentiality
7.1. Jurists have the obligation to preserve the confidentiality of any information of a client while rendering legal service and upon completion of the service, unless there is the consent of the client, or otherwise where the physical safety of the client or others is at risk.
7.2. Jurists have the responsibility to request relevant colleagues and staff to commit not to disclose any confidential information they know, and clearly explain legal liability upon revelation of any secret.
Rule 8. Fees
The jurist must explain to the client the expected fees, fee structures, and provide estimations where possible. Jurists must explain the client where the client may be able to save on expenses related to the jurist’s services or the case at hand.
Rule 9. Prohibited acts in relationship with clients
9.1. Receiving, possessing and using client’ money and property contrary to the agreement between the jurist and the client.
9.2. Soliciting, setting conditions for clients to give property or other benefits to jurists or the jurists family members, friends, business partners or aquantances. Unless this is in the best interest of the client and the client understands the ramifications, the role of all parties, and agrees in writing.
9.3. Receiving money or any other benefit from a third party to perform or not to perform work that prejudices the interests of the client.
9.4. Create or take advantage of bad situations, false, incomplete or unfavorable information for clients to apply pressure on the client to increase the agreed fee or obtain other benefits from the client.
9.5. Using information acquired from a case to seek improper benefits, financially or otherwise.
Rule 10. Conflict of interest
10.1. Conflict of interest is the case when the jurist represents two or more parties with opposite interests. This may also occur where it applies to a previous case and/or party. This can result in a situation where the jurist is partially incapable or likely partially incapable of fulfilling the obligation to best protect the legitimate rights and interests of the client, and the obligation to keep the client’s information confidential. Jurists may not knowingly accept or solve cases in the event of a conflict of interest.
10.2. In the process of a case, the jurist needs to actively avoid conflicts of interest. If detecting a conflict of interest against the jurist’s will, the jurist should proactively notify the client immediately looking for a solution to dissolve any conflict of interest.
10.3. A jurist must decline a case, or decline proceeding a case, in the following circumstances:
A case in which clients have conflicting interests;
A case in which the new client had an opposite interest with an existing or previous client;
A case where the client has a conflict of interest with the jurist and/or his/her family.
10.4. A conflict of interest can be resolved if all parties agree to a solution which dissipates any (previous) opposing interests.