International Order of Jurists

(IOJ) is the official organisation for Jurists worldwide. It registered jurists and lawyers internationally to upkeep minimum standards.


To become a member of the International Order of Jurists (IOJ), you must meet the below criteria.

How do I become a member?

To become a member of the IOJ you need to apply for registration. Fill in the form below the requirements.

Minimum practise.

As a member of the IOJ you are required to spend a minimum of 250 hours per year on cases.

Do I need to do Pro Bono work?

Yes, as a member of the IOJ you are required to provide a minimum of 25 hours per year on pro bono cases, or work for the common good of the (international) society.

What is the IOJ code of conduct?

As a member of the International Order of Jurists, you are expected to behave with integrity and uphold the values of justice. See our code of conduct.

How can I contact the IOJ

To contact the International Order of Jurists, please fill in our contact form. We will normally reply within 7 working days, except during holidays.


Members adhere to the IOJ code of conduct.

Members will spend a minimum of 250 hours per year on legal cases (about 7 weeks of 36 hours). Members self check on this once a year and report the IOJ if this is less.

Members will spend 25 hours per year on pro bono cases, or work for the common good of the (international) society. Members self check on this once a year and report the IOJ if this is less.

Members confirm to have an educational degree, or practical working experience of over 2 years, in their field of law.

Members agree to identify themselves to the IOJ with a passport or local ID. The IOJ does not keep these on file. Only the member’s name and legal background stay recorded at the IOJ.

Members agree to have their name and legal background listed. Listings are indirectly public in that you will be given a share code. You can share your record access to your (potential) clients and others.

Members agree that their listing and data is removed when they cancel their membership.

Members agree that if they are removed by the IOJ as a member due to misconduct of any kind that their record stay on file and are available for the public to check. Removal of a member is a last resort and members will be heard prior.

International Order of Jurists (IOJ) Membership Application Form
Upon completing the form you will be contacted. This may take a week, or longer during holidays. No requests for quick membership will be honoured and any such request may result in a rejection of the application.

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Include country code after +
Use two letter country code. If two, mention both. If more than two then write International.
You will later be asked to send in a copy of your passport/ID and any registration confirmations.
Use two letter country code. If more than one, then include all. First one should be the one of your ID/passport.
Terms and Conditions