Complaint / Investigation
A complaint is investigated. A complaint can be made anonymously. However, we advise that you allow us to contact you. This for our investigation, but also to potentially consider a (re)solution.
Your jurist not being able to assist you, or not being succesful, is not sufficient reason by itself to submit a complaint. To make a complaint the member must have broken our code of conduct, shown professional incompetence, acted (borderline) criminally, or otherwise behaved indecently. Please explain in the form below why we should investigate? Please use general terms and do not share too many details, or personal identifiable information of yourself or others.
Please note that it is ultimately the Order who will decide on the outcome of the complaint. The member can receive a Reprimand. This will mean a negative mark against the Member’s record. This will clear out any previous positive feedback and set the member’s reputation back as a standard member. We can also decide on a Sanction. This can be one of many things. It could be an inability to progress the Member’s standing for a period of time, it could be some form of redress to you, etc. In severe cases we will consider Removal of the member from the Order. When a member is removed from the order due to an investigation this will stay on record for others to review. This differs from those who leave the Order for any other reasons, like retirement, etc. Those members their details will be removed all together.